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Created 16-Jun-10
Modified 3-Aug-23
Visitors 1288
33 photos

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:Canada
Keywords:Alberta, Banff National Park, Bears, Beauty, Blue, British Columbia, Clouds, Cones, Jasper National Park, Lakes, Majestic, Moon, Moose, Mountains, Pine, Purple, River, Rocks, Snow, Stunning, Sunrise, Sunset, Trees, Trees, Waterfalls, Yoho National Park

Peyto LakeMoonrise Over BanffSerenityPyramid Lake SunriseHanging on TightSunriseGoing My Way?Below the MoonLast Light at Maligne LakeTurquoise FlowingMoonrise Over the Canadian RockiesForest FocusMistaya Oxbow SunriseSunrise on Lake AbrahamPine Cone CollageLife's Rough When You're A BearWhere's Rocky?Kootenay Plains Reflecting PoolsMoose PortraitMt. Cephron and Waterfowl Lake