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Created 16-Jun-10
Modified 3-Aug-23
Visitors 494
18 photos

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:Autumn, Barns, Branches, Church, Clouds, Fall, Great Blue Heron, Iowa, Leaf, Leaves, Loess Hills, Midwest, Orange, Purple, Red, Sun, Sunrise, Sunset, Sunstar, Trees

Autumnal BrillanceFall's Final Curtain CallBorn FreeQuiet ReflectionMist and MelancholyAn Iowa EveningMorning RelaxationWinter ContrastsA Sunset RideGraceful GlideChilly DeSoto SunriseHarvest MoonUnder the Skies of FallArtist-TreeA Forgotten TimeHigh FlyingFlying High